Independence Day in the Garden State copy | NJTIA

Independence Day in the Garden State copy

NJTIA reminds all that from the Skylands to the Shore , the upcoming holiday weekend means a lot to our state economy

Whether you are off for the day, planning a vacation or taking a long weekend, Independence Day is celebrated as the summer season highlight. With millions traveling across our state, the New Jersey Tourism Industry Association wishes all a safe and happy Independence Day. Visitors spending their holiday in New Jersey this July will have options galore from historic sights that were critical to our country’s revolutionary victory to the trend-setting spots that make you savor summer.

Creating much more than a getaway, travelers such as the many coming in this holiday mean big business. Tourism is one of the most important industries in New Jersey. With total spending by visitors to the state reached $44.7 billion, which generated $5 billion in state and local taxes in 2018. The Economic Impact of Tourism in New Jersey Report released May 9 at NJTIA Advocacy Day by the Department of State’s Division of Travel and Tourism, which showed that visitor spending supported 333,860 jobs throughout the state. When combined with indirect and induced jobs, tourism sustained more than 531,000 jobs, making it the 7th largest employer in New Jersey. With actually 10 percent of New Jersey’s jobs supported by tourism. The recent report found that 2018 marked the ninth straight year that visitor spending increased, growing more than 30 percent since 2009.

The New Jersey Travel and Tourism Association (NJTIA) is a 501 c 6 non-profit trade organization. Its members include every aspect of the multi-billion dollar State tourism industry and are a representative body of organizations that promote and serve the individual aspects of that industry. On a daily basis, the organization dedicates itself to the cause of building tourism within NJ. They are currently planning their annual NJ Tourism Conference in Atlantic City on December 4-5. For more information on becoming a member go to or follow on facebook as New Jersey Tourism Industry Association and on instagram as @NJTIA.

About The Author

Adam Perle


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